Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

At StoryApp, we take privacy very seriously. Our goal is to provide a safe and secure platform for children to explore their creativity and learn valuable lessons through personalized stories. We understand the importance of protecting our users’ information and data, and we are committed to maintaining their privacy.

Information Collection and Use:

StoryApp collects name and email from our users in order to personalize their experience. This information is used to provide customized content and to improve the app's services. We do not collect any other personally identifiable information, such as addresses or phone numbers. In addition to names and emails, we also collect anonymous data to improve our services, such as the number of users who use a particular feature, the average time spent on the app, and the types of stories created.

Data Sharing:

StoryApp does not share any personal information with third parties. All data collected through our app is kept confidential and used only for the purpose of improving our services.


StoryApp takes security very seriously and implements appropriate measures to protect our users’ information and data. Our servers are regularly backed up and our app is regularly updated to ensure the highest level of security.

Children’s Privacy:

StoryApp is designed for children and we understand the importance of protecting their privacy. We do not collect any personal information from children under the age of 13 and we do not knowingly share or disclose their information to third parties.

Changes to this Privacy Policy:

StoryApp may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. We will notify our users of any changes by posting the updated policy on our website.

Contact Us:

If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy, please contact us at

This Privacy Policy was last updated on 2023-02-03.

Sign up for early access to StoryApp, the personalized storytelling app for kids! Create unique stories with characters your kids will love and lessons that address their current challenges. Enjoy illustrated stories and listen to them too. Get access to a library of stories and rate, save, and search for your favorite ones. Sign up now and start your storytelling journey with StoryApp! - Made with 💛 in Chile 🏔️